Day two, and so far so good I suppose. By the time I got home last night, I was famished, and still faced a trip to the supermarket to buy all the things I hadn’t yet thought to buy. I thought I might eat my own head, but that’s not allowed on the Dukan diet! I find that my cupboard is full of food that is a no-no on the Dukan! I can’t believe lentils are the enemy, because lentils are my best friend! Lentils, and pasta and rice – Oh My! I don’t know if I can ever eat lentils again, but rice and pasta will be allowed in one hundred days time.
ONE HUNDRE DAYS?!!! I’m practically Italian – how do I live without pasta and rice?!
I have discovered that my birthday falls 95 days into the diet, and that is going to be my first celebration meal. Stuff it. If I can’t eat chocolate cake on my birthday, then I have nothing else to live for!!!
Last night, it was difficult to imagine how protein was going to fill me up at dinner, with my oat bran as well of course, and I have a feeling that I perhaps overdid it. It does say that I can eat whatever I want of the foods on the list, but surely a 150g steak, with an egg, 5 or 6 turkey slices and a small pot of natural yoghurt and oat bran is going too far? But I was full, and without feeling sick because I just ate my own body weight in calories as per usual.
By the by, I had my cholesterol tested last year and it was fine. Wonder if I’ll be able to say the same after this!! Can’t be any worse than bingeing on chocolate and chips though, I suppose. (Oh the good times!)
With some hot English mustard as my flavour addition, dinner was actually pretty magnificent. As I said, I rarely allow myself the treat of a good steak; the turkey slices were merely what I would have been allowed to snack on during the day, and didn’t. I guess my iron count will start to go up; I’m anaemic due to my years of abstaining from meat (it’s a money thing, not a vegetarian thing, and I can’t stand the smell of it cooking, though I do love to eat it). So that’s positive number two. I do have to say, however, that oat bran and natural yoghurt is pretty much one of the most unappetising things I’ve ever had to endure. I don’t believe natural yoghurt is really supposed to be eaten on its own, and unless you grew up with that kind of thing, it’s just tart and basically unpleasant. I’m hoping once the attack phase is over that I can give that one the flick.
On the downside, even after a day, I can tell I haven’t eaten enough fibre – even though I ate half a cup of oat-bran instead of a tablespoon, and sucked down that psyllium like it was orange juice! My attack phase was supposed to last 2-3 days, and I was planning on erring on the side of caution and going three, but I think I have to downsize two or it won’t be pretty – not to mention painful. I’m reminded that every single member of my father’s family has had major bowel surgery, and know that I can’t afford to be stupid. So, starting tomorrow I can include things like green beans, spinach and cabbage, which are really high in fibre. We’ll see how I go after that. I don’t necessarily think I’m cheating because I think those veggies are pretty cavolo anyway; they’re not the ones I would choose in my normal vegetable diet!
Yes indeed, so far so good. I’m supposed to have lost .8 of a kilo by the end of today. So sceptical!!! But at the end of the day, except for knowing that carbs are a good thing occasionally, I don’t feel like I’m eating too badly. But I’m fully expecting to have put on weight, not lost it. All I’m eating is animal fat, for God’s sake!
We’ll see, I guess. We’ll see!
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