Friday 24 June 2011

Day Six: My new tricks!

Weighed myself this morning and have lost another 600 grams. That's two kilos now since Monday - rock on! And you need to remember, I've cheated with porridge and a teaspoon of sugar, added oil and balsamic to my tuna lunches so it doesn't stick in my throat like sawdust, and tripled my oat bran.

I think I should become a dietician! My diet is even better than the Dukan!!!

Yesterday was my first real day in which I didn't feel starving, and it's continued today. I did ponder over the large box of chocolates in the staffroom at work for longer than I should have, but never with the actual intention of taking one - if I'd had that intention, my stomach would now be full of full cream dairy milk! I once - a long time ago - went for five months without even a whiff of chocolate, so I know it's possible. And it seems like this might be too; I just have to jump the hurdles of what to eat when I'm out with friends (ok, I know WHAT to eat, I have to figure out how NOT to eat the other stuff!) and I'll be ok.

Food tip of the week: when ravenous and/or wanting a treat, have a skinny cappacino. It has negligable amounts of chocolate powder, is filling, and apparently has no negative impact on this diet - even if, technically I'm not supposed to have it.

Wish me luck as I round out the week!

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