Tuesday 21 June 2011

Day three: wowwee!

I felt a little despondent yesterday: sometimes, cake is all that’s promising to get you through the day, and sometimes, people are throwing cake and biscuits at you and it’s SO HARD to say no! And I’ve had a headache from not eating carbs for about twenty four hours that’s really starting to get a little much, to be honest! I haven’t dieted in about three years, much less gone cold-turkey on absolutely everything I love to eat, and after only two days I was wondering where my strength and resolve was going to come from if I ever had a really crappy day and needed chocolate. Which, let’s be honest, is going to happen one day, because it seems to be part of my contract to get curveballs at least once a week.
Oh my God. What am I going to do when I get my period, for God’s sake?!!
But today was weigh-in day. Highly sceptical, I almost put it off. I was sure that if I hadn’t lost at least a kilo – as promised by Mr Dukan – I would fall off the wagon immediately and start hoeing into bread like there was no tomorrow. I was so close to consuming a whole bag of delicious wholemeal toast last night, it wouldn’t have taken much persuading! And yes, I know that it’s very much not normal to expect to lose over a kilo in two days, but therein lies the promise of this insane diet: completely deprive yourself for speedy results. Or else what’s the point? So, sceptical but hopeful at the same time!
And what to do you know?
It worked.
After two days of eating – not starving, I have lost weight.
After two days of no carbs; two days of no surplus fats; two days of doing my bit to promote live exports and the slaughtering of animals for years to come, I have lost weight.
Over 1.5 kilos, to be precise. That, my friends, is pretty phenomenal!
So, day three I have tightened the reigns on the optimism and loosened the scepticism. It helps a lot that, from today I can eat veggies again, and this is starting to look like a normal diet – albeit, only every two days! But I sure do love all the steak!!
Salmon tonight.  Who said dieting was about depriving yourself? And onto a goal of at least another kilo by next week.
Hmmm. What’s so significant about that? I could lose a kilo by eating chocolate at least once a week.
Methinks scepticism will continue to reign unless I can lose, like, two more kilos!! Game on!

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